Marin 9 to 25 + find your way logos and social media info

Find Your Way Youth Scholarship Opportunity – Apply by Sept. 19, 2023

Find Your Way is providing youth in Marin County with $500 for October 2023 – July 2024. We are looking for youth (ages 12 – 25 years) who are already participating in community programs in Marin County, or those who are interested in volunteering or participating in community work. Applications are due on September 19th…

5 young people walking on a beach
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How to navigate increases in youth substance use during summer months

Summer is a fun time for our young people and allowing them more freedom is healthy and needed after a heavily scheduled school year. Along with more free time, it’s a good idea to set expectations and boundaries to keep them safe. Now, more than ever, the stakes are higher. With fentanyl out there, and…

hemp / THC products on a display

Intoxicating Hemp Products: What You Need to Know

We want to share important information about a relatively new type of drug being sold in Marin that technically any 10-year old can buy. Youth can now legally access intoxicating hemp-derived cannabis edibles, vapes and other products because of loopholes in federal and California laws. These drugs are poorly regulated and can have very harmful…

Raising the Bar

Marin Voice: Healthy adult modeling matters when it comes to substance-free youth events

By Lisa KleinMarin Independent Journal For 12 of the past 13 years, Marin ranked as the healthiest county in California in nearly every measurement. The glaring exception is in areas related to adult alcohol use. According to data collected by the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute for the County Health Rankings and Roadmaps report,…

Screenagers: Under the Influence
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Screenagers: Under The Influence Documentary to be Provided to Marin Public Middle + High Schools

Screenagers Under The Influence: Addressing Vaping, Drugs, and Alcohol in the Digital Age, the third feature documentary in the Screenagers trilogy, delves into how the tech revolution has reshaped adolescence and its effects on substance use. In partnership, MCOE and HHS have purchased the rights to the film and will be provided to all public…

Let's Talk logo
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‘Let’s Talk’ – a Valuable Toolkit for Middle and High School Families

Program boosts awareness of underage substance use and mental health issues The third annual issue of Let’s Talk booklet has been distributed to 5,000 Marin County families of this fall’s sixth- and ninth-grade students at local public and private schools. This resource educates parents on how to practice positive ways to communicate, listen and connect…

One Pill Can Kill: Addiction, Loss and Fentanyl

The Fentanyl Crisis in Marin County: A Student Call to Action / Template Letter to Parents

A group of Marin County High School student journalists gave a compelling presentation and an urgent call to action at our January School Law Enforcement Partnership (SLEP) about the Fentanyl crisis in Marin County. We are losing young people to tragic overdoses, and hosted a Community Meeting on Tuesday, March 29 to hear from directly…

One Pill Can Kill: Addiction, Loss and Fentanyl

One Pill Can Kill: Addiction, Loss, and Fentanyl

The epidemic unknowingly threatening Marin’s most vulnerable teens by Taylor Elliott and Keely Ganong / Redwood Bark “We were walking out the door when Trevor’s best friend knocked and said, ‘Gosh Michelle, I’m so sorry.’ I said, ‘What?’ He showed me his phone. It was a picture from Snapchat,” Michelle Leopold, whose son overdosed from…

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