Latest Past Events

Navigating Youth Substance Use: Community Conversation & Panel – featuring David Sheff

Marin County Office of Education 1111 Las Gallinas Avenue, San Rafael

Hear from a panel of experts regarding the current state of youth substance use in Marin. Panel includes medical experts, school representatives, local coalitions and organizations, and local youth. Interpretation available. Navegando por el uso de sustancias entre los jóvenes - con el Autor más vendido del New York Times David Sheff jueves el 14...

Keynote with Janna Barkin (she/her) and Panel: LGBTQ+ Parents

Online / Zoom

Supporting LGBTQ+ Students & Families Family & Caregiver Series Hear from parents and caregivers who identify as LGBTQ+ about their experiences raising children who attend public schools in Marin. Oradora principal Janna Barkin (ella) y Panel: Padres LGBTQ+ el 7 de marzo 2024 | a las 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Apoyando a estudiantes y...

7-8th Grade: Is My Tween Ready For Social Media?

Online / Zoom

Is screen time causing a daily struggle in your home? A virtual live education series for parents and caregivers. This series will provide practical support for families to create a healthy and balanced relationship with technology. Join Jill Boeri, MS, LMFT *INTERPRETACIÓN EN ESPAÑOL PREVIA SOLICITUD, CON 3 DÍAS DE ANTICIPACIÓN. 7°- 8° Grado: ¿Está...