Advancing Equity and Centering Communities

Online / Zoom

Gain an understanding of the connection between SUD Prevention and Social Driver of Health variables, and further learn about the associated impacts on trauma, inequities, and systemic racism. This training will also explore strategies and approaches that support the development of a diverse, sustainable, and culturally informed SUD prevention workforce. Successfully implementing substance use disorder...

ABHPC EVENT: Advocacy vs. Lobbying

Online / Zoom

What's the difference between advocacy and lobbying? Advocacy can be a powerful prevention strategy, but non-profit organizations often do not advocate because of concerns that advocacy could cross the line into lobbying. This training will define advocacy and what is allowable for a 501(c)(3) organization, discuss the difference between lobbying and advocacy, and share how...

Navigating Youth Substance Use: Keynote Address with New York Times bestselling author David Sheff

Marin County Office of Education 1111 Las Gallinas Avenue, San Rafael, CA, United States

Join advocate and author of “Beautiful Boy: A Father’s Journey through his Son’s Addiction” as he discusses his experience raising children in Marin County, and what it was like to have a child addicted to substances. Interpretation available. Navegando por el uso de sustancias entre los jóvenes - con el Autor más vendido del New...

Keynote with Janna Barkin (she/her) and Panel: Parents of LGBTQ+ Youth

Online / Zoom

Supporting LGBTQ+ Students & Families Family & Caregiver Series Learn ways local family members, caregivers, and supportive adults care for and support LGBTQ+ youth in their lives. Oradora principal Janna Barkin (ella) y Panel: Padres de jóvenes LGBTQ+ el 30 de enero 2024 | a las 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Apoyando a estudiantes y...

4-6th Grade: Is My Child Ready For a Smartphone?

Online / Zoom

Is screen time causing a daily struggle in your home? A virtual live education series for parents and caregivers. This series will provide practical support for families to create a healthy and balanced relationship with technology. Join Jill Boeri, MS, LMFT *INTERPRETACIÓN EN ESPAÑOL PREVIA SOLICITUD, CON 3 DÍAS DE ANTICIPACIÓN. 4°- 6° Grado: ¿Está...

7-8th Grade: Is My Tween Ready For Social Media?

Online / Zoom

Is screen time causing a daily struggle in your home? A virtual live education series for parents and caregivers. This series will provide practical support for families to create a healthy and balanced relationship with technology. Join Jill Boeri, MS, LMFT *INTERPRETACIÓN EN ESPAÑOL PREVIA SOLICITUD, CON 3 DÍAS DE ANTICIPACIÓN. 7°- 8° Grado: ¿Está...

Keynote with Janna Barkin (she/her) and Panel: LGBTQ+ Parents

Online / Zoom

Supporting LGBTQ+ Students & Families Family & Caregiver Series Hear from parents and caregivers who identify as LGBTQ+ about their experiences raising children who attend public schools in Marin. Oradora principal Janna Barkin (ella) y Panel: Padres LGBTQ+ el 7 de marzo 2024 | a las 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Apoyando a estudiantes y...

Navigating Youth Substance Use: Community Conversation & Panel – featuring David Sheff

Marin County Office of Education 1111 Las Gallinas Avenue, San Rafael, CA, United States

Hear from a panel of experts regarding the current state of youth substance use in Marin. Panel includes medical experts, school representatives, local coalitions and organizations, and local youth. Interpretation available. Navegando por el uso de sustancias entre los jóvenes - con el Autor más vendido del New York Times David Sheff jueves el 14...

Reaching, Engaging, and Supporting Transitional Age Youth in Primary Prevention

Online / Zoom

Prevention Application Community of Practice spaces will support the continuing education of prevention professionals in a manner that is engaging, focused on skill building, dynamic, and in line with statewide goals. Together we will “unpack” what has been learned in professional competency training events, thus supporting the application of skills and development of sector partnerships and...

Strategies and Applications for Coalition Engagement and Maintenance

Online / Zoom

Participants will explore strategies for effective coalition engagement and maintenance in this session. Focusing on role clarity, stakeholder involvement, conflict resolution, and data-driven evaluation, the session provides practical tools for sustaining active and effective coalitions. Through case studies and interactive workshops, this session is essential for those seeking to enhance their coalition’s impact and longevity...