Let’s Start Talking – Understanding Your Middle Schooler and Substance Use

Online / Zoom

Join us to start off the school year with an informative discussion on navigating early adolescence during the middle school years. Topics to be included are social and emotional development, the teenage brain, and risks and trends of substance use including an emphasis on vaping. This discussion will provide information and tools to help you...

Iniciemos la conversación – Comprenda a sus hijos en la escuela media y en el uso de sustancias

Videoconferencia en Zoom

Únase a nosotros para iniciar el año escolar con una discusión informativa sobre cómo apoyar a los adolescentes que inician la escuela media. Conversaremos acerca del desarrollo social y emocional según la edad del adolescente, el desarrollo del cerebro del adolescente, los riesgos y tendencias de moda del uso de sustancias y uso de vaporizadores....

Let’s Talk Discussion #1

Online / Zoom

October 4, 2023 - 7:00pm Download the flyer (PDF) In the first community discussion of 2023-24, we’ll discuss what to know about and what is being done about today's current drug trends among local youth with special focus on fentanyl, psychedelics and Delta 8 THC products. We will also include information and training on Narcan,...