What Are Intoxicating Hemp Products?

Hemp products labeled as “delta-8 THC” or “hemp-derived THC” are different from the familiar, non-intoxicating hemp you might know.

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What Is Hemp-Derived THC?

  • These are forms of semi-synthetic THC. They are made by chemically changing natural hemp plants.
  • These products are not traditional hemp. They are processed specifically to create intoxicating effects.
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Legal Loopholes and Regulations

  • Manufacturers use legal gray areas to concentrate high amounts of THC from hemp. creating products that can produce a high similar to traditional cannabis.
  • In California. emergency measures have been passed to address some of the gaps in regulation. The emergency order restricts hemp product sales to people 21 and over. while also putting limits on THC amounts and serving sizes in hemp products.
  • Non-compliant hemp products remain widely available in many stores that aren’t licensed to sell cannabis. Some businesses continue to sell hemp products to young people. even if they are not of legal age.
  • Cannabis with detectable THC can only be sold at licensed stores (dispensaries) to those who are 21 years or older.
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Safety Issues

  • There is limited research on semi-synthetic THC; potential unknown chemicals used in production may be present.
  • These products are often marketed as a “lighter high,” but some contain up to 33 times more THC than products typically labeled “strong.”
  • There are reports of serious side effects from high-THC products. including anxiety, severe nausea, vomiting and dizziness. High THC levels can also increase the chance of dependency.
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Appeal to Teens

  • These products are often sold at gas stations. convenience stores. and vape shops. making them easy for teens to access.
  • Product packages are often designed to look like common candies. sodas. or snacks. which can be appealing to teens.
  • Packaging may suggest the product is mild or harmless despite potent THC levels.

Talking to Your Children About Hemp Products

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Give Them the Facts

  • Share information with them about the differences between traditional hemp and intoxicating hemp products.
  • Address your concerns about safety and explain why these products are risky.
  • Clarify current regulations. Young people may not be aware these products are illegal.
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Address It Early

  • Talk about these products before they encounter them. The marketing is often designed to attract preteens and teens, so starting conversations at a young age is important.
  • Even younger children should understand that items labeled “hemp” might not be safe, especially if they come across these products left out by siblings or family members.
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Ages and Stages

  • Tweens (10-13 years old) respond better to a clear, straightforward presentation of facts and family expectations.
  • Teens (14-17 years old) are ready to explore pros and cons and use facts to form opinions. Don’t rush to correct their perspective. Offer new information so they can make their own conclusion about the topic.
  • Young adults (18-24 years old) shouId be addressed the same way you might talk to a peer. Ask them to share their own thoughts on the topic while providing new information.
assortment of thc edibles / gummies
Factsheet - Intoxicating hemp products - links to PDF
What are Intoxicating Hemp Products? – Download PDF Fact Sheet