photo of teen girl using her phone in outdoor setting
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Keeping Kids Safe: How To Talk Other Parents About Limiting Access to Alcohol and Drugs

by Amanda Sheeren / from As a parent, you may already be aware of the dangers surrounding underage substance use, the importance of setting boundaries, and the need to limit access to alcohol and drugs. You’re familiar with the Social Host Ordinance in your city, you’ve taken steps to lock up substances at home, set clear…

5 young people walking on a beach
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How to navigate increases in youth substance use during summer months

Summer is a fun time for our young people and allowing them more freedom is healthy and needed after a heavily scheduled school year. Along with more free time, it’s a good idea to set expectations and boundaries to keep them safe. Now, more than ever, the stakes are higher. With fentanyl out there, and…

Raising the Bar

Marin Voice: Healthy adult modeling matters when it comes to substance-free youth events

By Lisa KleinMarin Independent Journal For 12 of the past 13 years, Marin ranked as the healthiest county in California in nearly every measurement. The glaring exception is in areas related to adult alcohol use. According to data collected by the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute for the County Health Rankings and Roadmaps report,…

closeup of hands holding a phone and beers
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Marin Voice: Riotous Teen Behavior a Reminder of Communication Tools Parents Need

When more than 100 youths, many believed to have been fueled by alcohol, took to the streets of Mill Valley after a party was ended by police earlier this month, they did not hesitate to disturb local businesses, throw cans and bottles at officers and jump on a police car. The riotous behavior of these…

Our Stor, Our Future
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Ending Unsafe Alcohol Retail Practices Can Stop Underage Drinking Before It Starts Underage consumption of alcohol is both a strong predictor of problematic alcohol use later in life and the major influence on the leading causes of preventable death among adolescents: motor vehicle collisions, suicide, and homicide. Among high school students in California’s Marin County,…

Raising the Bar logo

Raising the Bar

The Raising the Bar Campaign aims to elevate kids’ experience in youth-oriented programs by changing the social norms around the consumption of alcohol and other substances. Parents, program directors, and community members work together to promote healthy choices and keep youth events substance-free.

Let’s Talk Booklet

Let’s Talk Booklet

Newly updated / 2023 Check out the Let’s Talk Booklet – a comprehensive toolkit for navigating teen substance use in Marin County. It addresses the risks, hyperlocal conditions, and protective factors of underage substance use – tailored toward parents of incoming sixth-graders and ninth-graders. This resource includes information on how the teenage brain works, why…

Social Host Ordinance

Social Host Ordinance

All cities in Marin, as well as Marin County itself, have adopted some form of “Social Host” Ordinance. Social Host Ordinances generally provide for a violation when there are “two or more minors at a place, residence or other private property”, and “alcoholic beverages, marijuana or other controlled substances are possessed or consumed by one…

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